
There have been countless funny movies and television episodes made about couples workshops and retreats. Usually, the frustrated couple heads to a luxurious destination with a kooky therapist. Even though both partners are hesitant at first, their relationship grows stronger in the end.

Real couples retreats typically have quite a few differences. They don’t have to be a trip to a luxury beach resort – or even out of the state. You can find workshops and retreats in your own city. Most therapists aren’t so kooky – at least, we don’t think so! And often (though not always), both partners arrive ready and willing to work and improve things. This psycho-educational experience is not therapy, but very therapeutic, so much that even the most resistant participant usually always gets excited.  Initially ambivalent or doubtful persons have written in their evaluations things like “I wish I had this information at puberty. It would have saved me a lot of pain in life.” and “Best investment I’ve ever made” or “Saved our marriage.”

One thing, however, is almost always the same: people leave feeling better about their relationship. Why? These 2 day Workshops can help you and your partner learn powerfully effective communication for the toughest issues that come up, and restore or deepen the connection you have.

Let’s look a bit deeper into why couples workshops are generally so successful.  

No Distractions, Just Progress  

Sitting down with your partner to assess your relationship sounds like an easy enough task. But then your kids come into your bedroom. Or the phone rings. The dog needs to be walked. Groceries need to be put away.

Put simply, life gets in the way. A couples retreat allows you to do just that – retreat to a safe space where productive dialogue is the main focus.

You’ll turn off your phones and look into your partner’s eyes. You’ll offer them your undivided attention.

This will enable you to have a more focused conversation and come up with solutions that you can remember and implement after you return home. 

Choose Your Focus

Couples retreats don’t all look the same. Many focus on specific relationship issues. Moreover, different therapists build couples retreats based on their approach to communication, problem-solving, and relationship satisfaction. 

For example, the “Getting The Love You Want” workshop is the center of my popular Houston couples retreat. It’s based on the best-selling book of the same name, and Getting the Love You Want is about just that – building the loving relationship you’ve always dreamed of by healing childhood wounds, understanding different perspectives on love, and building deeper connections. It is based on the IMAGO therapy approach. 

The “Getting the Love You Want” workshop includes a powerful workbook for each partner, that they can continue to use in building a better, more mutually satisfying relationship in the months and years that follow.

A Stepping Stone to Couples Therapy 

There is no shame in couples therapy, but many couples are hesitant about making the call and setting up their first appointment. That’s where our couples workshops come in.

They’re not a huge commitment. They typically last for one weekend and take place close to home. And you’ll get a good sense of how the therapist running them works.

If you and your partner are considering couples therapy, consider them a sort of “trial run” that is designed to start providing you with the tools you need to forge an even stronger connection with your partner. Workshops are often a good indicator of whether the couple is ready for personal treatment with a counselor. 

Ready to Sign Up for a Houston Couples Workshops?

We look forward to seeing you at a couples workshop in your city. Register here to secure your spot and take the next step toward getting the love you want.