Falling out of “love” can be a problem for long-term couples. Many factors can contribute, causing an unexpected rift. But you can act to avoid this in your own relationship if you put effort into maintaining what you and your partner share Read more
Attitudes towards work can vary significantly from person to person, even in a relationship. While one partner might value their work-life balance and stick to standard 40-hour week, another might thrive on long hours. Sadly, this is a relatively commonly cited reason for break ups, and research from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte even suggests that divorce rates are two times the national average for workaholics. Read more
One of the most common contributing factors for divorce and marital strife is the idea that couples grow apart over time. As a Houston relationship therapist, I’ve talked to many people who feel that their significant other has changed so much that they almost seem to be a different person. Of course, change doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. We all change over time (nobody exists in a static state), but if you want your relationship to last, the important thing is to change with your partner. That is, you should both encourage each other’s individual expressions and work to understand how each other is truly feeling. Read more
Although you may get in trouble with friends and family for yawning at an inopportune moment, it turns out that yawning may not be such a bad thing after all. Or at least it’s not a bad thing if you yawn and your significant other yawns back.
Science writer Sam Kean recently talked to NPR about his discovery that yawning is most contagious between people who are emotionally close. Based on a study of 109 men and women from different countries, Kean found that if you yawn in front of a group of strangers, few will mirror you. However, more people will return the yawn if it’s in front of a group of close friends or family members. Yawns are more “contagious” and move more quickly between sender and catcher the more empathy those two people feel for one another. Read more

Location and Hours
Damian Duplechain LPC Inc.
5959 West Loop 610 South, Suite 600,
Bellaire, TX 77401
Monday -Friday: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed