The holiday of love is right around the corner, at least as far as the marketing machine known as Valentine’s Day is concerned, and if you’re wondering what to do for your spouse or significant other, you’re not alone. Turn on any morning show or do a quick search around the web, and you’ll find all sorts of suggestions on what “experts” think is the perfect gift or date for this special day.

Some say jewelry. Others put their money – literally – on an expensive dinner and night on the town. Perhaps going to the ballet or opera. Then there are those who argue that the most important thing is being together, and that you can get just as much out of hanging out at home and enjoying a movie that you both want to see.

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If you’re married or in a long term relationship with someone, then you probably already know this incontrovertible truth: ups and downs come with the territory.

Maybe you got into a stupid argument and neither one of you wants to be the first to apologize. Or work has you run down and stressed out, and you just don’t feel like you have anything to give to your significant other right now. Some people don’t even know what their problems are, just that something feels wrong and they don’t like it. Read more

Do you feel like your significant other suddenly becomes more distant and moody once the days get shorter and leaves start to fall from the trees?
It might not be your imagination. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a real condition that affects somewhere between 10 to 12 million Americans, and just like more common types of depression, it can really strain your relationship.

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While regular date nights are invaluable for keeping relationships healthy, they’re not always easy to plan—especially if you have kids.  Babysitters must be hired and paid, bedtimes will inevitably be missed, and some youngsters tend to become weepy upon being separated from their parents. A possible solution? Take your kids on a date with you. At least sometimes.

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